
Showing posts from August, 2023

Can pills made from powdered scorpions and cockroaches REALLY stop you dying from a heart attack?

wolf hirschhorn syndrome chromosome :: Article Creator Genome: The Autobiography Of A Species In 23 Chapters Harpercollins, 352 pages, $26.00, 1999 0060194979ISBN: 0-060-19497-9 Matt Ridley begins his book with a simple truth. "The human genome—the complete set of human genes—comes packaged in twenty-three separate pairs of chromosomes." We all know that. Nonetheless, Ridley has made the obvious seem novel by arranging his book around chromosomes. The idea came out of a conversation Ridley had with David Haig, an evolutionary biologist who said that chromosome 15 is his favorite because it has all sorts of "mischievous genes on it." That set the author thinking. "I had never thought of chromosomes as having personalities before…. But Haig's chance remark planted an idea in my head…." Ridley decided to use each chromosome as the starting point for a story about particularly interesting genes and what

Can pills made from powdered scorpions and cockroaches REALLY stop you dying from a heart attack?

tetralogy of fallot pregnancy :: Article Creator KGMU Team Helps Woman With Rare Ailment Give Birth To Baby LUCKNOW: In a lifesaving feat, doctors at King George's Medical University performed a successful C-section surgery on a 26-year-old woman suffering from a rare heart condition called Eisenmenger syndrome (ES).This was the third successful surgery of its kind out of four cases in the past two years. Doctors claimed it is the highest survival rate for pregnant women with ES, a rare illness, among government hospitals in the country.Seven out of every 1 lakh adults might have this condition. The chances of survival are quite low, with 65-70% pregnancy can make ES even worse, and doctors from WHO suggest that women with this condition shouldn't get pregnant.Pregnant woman Nilima came from Gorakhpur to KGMU's Queen Mary's Hospital on Friday. She was in the last trimester of her pregnancy and had trouble in breathing and experiencing

This Week in Mac Sports: 9/15

nhs kidney disease :: Article Creator Study Confirms Pioneering Drug Highly Effective For Rare Kidney Disease A pioneering drug for a rare kidney disease prevents organ failure and significantly improves the outcome for patients, new research has confirmed. Atypical hemolytic uraemic syndrome (aHUS) is a genetic life-threatening condition caused by a defect in the immune system which leads to kidney failure. Newcastle University, UK, carried out clinical trials into the drug, eculizumab, which eventually led to the NHS approving the treatment for use in patients from 2015. Now, a study by Newcastle experts, published in Blood Journal, revealed that eculizumab prevents 86% of patients going into kidney failure which highlights the importance of the use of the medication. Life-changing treatment Professor David Kavanagh, from Newcastle University, who led the study, said, "Our study confirms the effectiveness of eculizumab in prevent

2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA Guideline for the Management of Heart ...

best cardiac diet plan :: Article Creator 10 Best Diet Plans Of 2023, According To Experts The first thing to consider when deciding on a diet is: What's my goal? Am I trying to lose weight or body fat? Or am I trying to improve a specific aspect of my health or my life? A 2014 study in Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine found that examining the intersection of life goals and dietary goals can have an impact on your ability to achieve and maintain diet-related changes . Once you know what your desired outcome is, it's time to delve into the details. Dr. Cheskin says to determine if you're likely to stick with a diet, it's important to "know yourself—the more you can be introspective, the better." After all, a 2018 study in JAMA Network found people achieved similar weight loss results on a healthy low-fat diet and a healthy low-carbohydrate diet. So the diet that's likely to work for you is the one you're m

Celecoxib oral capsule: Dosage, uses, side effects, and more

smi heart attack :: Article Creator Having Sense Of Security Lessens Risk Of Heart Attacks: Study Having a sense of protection against crime is associated with a 9 per cent lower risk of premature mortality and a 6 per cent lower likelihood of a heart attack, per study of over 35,000 adults presented at the ESC Congress 2023. "There is increasing evidence that the neighbourhood we live in affects our health," said study author Dr Mengya Li of the National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing, China. "This study highlights the importance of many aspects of our surroundings for heart health and longevity, including feeling safe, having shops, transport and parks close by, cleanliness, and feeling that our neighbourhood is a good place to live and to raise children." The area Environment Walkability Scale (NEWS), administered by trained research workers, was used to gather baseline data on the area environment. There are ei

2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA Guideline for the Management of Heart ...

hereditary illness :: Article Creator Study Uncovers Genetic Risk Factors For Heart Failure In a new study co-led by investigators at the United States Department of Veterans Affairs and Brigham and Women's Hospital, a founding member of the Mass General Brigham health care system, a global team of scientists conducted one of the largest genetic association studies on heart failure to date. Using genomic data from over 90,000 heart failure patients and more than a million controls, the team identified 39 genetic mutations associated with heart failure, 18 of which had not been reported previously. The researchers also pinpointed seven druggable proteins that, when targeted with specially designed medications, may prevent heart failure's onset. They say their overall findings, published today in Nature Communications, could one day help physicians identify and treat at-risk patients before heart failure occurs. "Our study provide