
Showing posts from January, 2024

Numbness in the hands: Causes and treatments

coronary artery disease :: Article Creator Coronary Artery Disease Testing After Initial Heart Failure Hospitalization Aids Outcomes Coronary artery disease (CAD) testing within 90 days of hospitalization for heart failure is associated with a lower risk for heart failure readmission or all-cause mortality, according to a study published online Jan. 18 in the Journal of General Internal Medicine. Cheng‑Wei Huang, M.D., from Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center, and colleagues assessed whether widespread CAD testing in patients with new-onset heart failure leads to improved outcomes. The analysis included 2,729 adults with new-onset heart failure with reduced ejection fraction hospitalized within one of 15 Kaiser Permanente Southern California medical centers between 2016 and 2021. The researchers found that 54.5 percent of patients received CAD testing, and after a median of 1.8 years, the testing group had a reduced risk for heart f

Targeting gut microbiota–derived kynurenine to predict and protect ...

moderate asd heart defect :: Article Creator Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Repair Content An atrial septal defect is an opening in the wall that separates the upper chambers of the heart. It is one of the most common congenital heart defects, which are structural problems that develop before a baby is born or at birth. When an atrial septal defect is present, some oxygen-rich blood that should have been pumped to the body flows from one side of the heart to the other. This blood is then pumped to the lungs. This creates extra work for one side of the heart. If an atrial septal defect is large, heart failure may occur, although this is not common in children. Many children have no symptoms. So this defect may not be found until a child is older or becomes an adult. A heart catheterization can typically be used to close the opening. This prevents blood from flowing between chambers Heading What is heart defect repair surgery?

Every Awareness Ribbon Color and Their Meanings

atherosclerosis aortae :: Article Creator 3D In Vitro Human Atherosclerosis Model For High-throughput Drug Screening A new 3D, three-layer nanomatrix vascular sheet that possesses multiple features of atherosclerosis has been applied for developing a high-throughput functional assay of drug candidates to treat this disease, University of Alabama at Birmingham researchers report in the journal Biomaterials in a paper titled "Atherosclerotic three-layer nanomatrix vascular sheets for high-throughput therapeutic evaluation." "Current in vitro atherosclerosis models have significant limitations, including the lack of three-layer vascular architecture and limited atherosclerotic features," said Ho-Wook Jun, Ph.D., a professor in the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering and the corresponding author. "Moreover, no scalable 3D atherosclerosis model is available for the evaluation of potential therapeutics via high-throughp

What Is Heart Disease? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

empty syringe heart attack :: Article Creator Can Sex Cause A Heart Attack? If movies and soap operas are anything to go by, sex can be dangerous for people with heart conditions. Dangers posed by sexual activity is probably minimal, but heart disease could curtail your sex life. While research shows that sex can indeed trigger heart attacks in some people, especially men, the odds of literally succumbing to passion are very low. Sexual activity is a contributing factor in less than 1 percent of heart attacks, according to a 1996 study by Harvard Medical School researchers. Although heart attacks during sex are rare, no one wants to be among the unlucky few who die while getting lucky. So if you have cardiovascular disease (CVD), or even if it runs in your family, it's important to ask your doctor what type of sexual activity is safe. If you've just had a heart attack, for instance, you should wait three to four weeks before

Congenital Genetic Defects & the Special Considerations for Prehospital Care

mesenteric disease :: Article Creator Mesenteric Artery Disease Content Patients whose symptoms are mild to moderate can often manage their disease by making lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, getting regular exercise, and working with their doctors to take care of related conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Doctors often use minimally invasive procedures such as balloon angioplasty and stenting to relieve the narrowing and improve blood supply to the kidney and intestines. In severe cases, an abdominal bypass operation may be necessary to improve the blood flow to the intestine. These treatment options are listed as follows: Balloon angioplasty. During this procedure, your doctor places a tiny, soft plastic tube called a catheter into the artery, usually in the groin, and inject a dye that makes the blood vessels clearly visible on an x-ray image. Your doctor can also use a special catheter that ha