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Forster and Mayo Private Hospitals now have four doctors specialising in the ear, nose and throat medical fields (ENT).

So the good news is, you don't travel far to see a specialist if you need assistance.

Dr Thomas Nguyen consults and operates out of Forster Private Hospital, along with Dr Shruti Jayachandra.

In his 13 years as a doctor, he has worked in ENT for 10 years.

"I like working with my hands and always knew I wanted to pursue surgery," says Dr Nguyen. "ENT enables me to see a wide range of patients from newborn babies to the elderly.

"The most rewarding aspect of the job is when a patient returns for follow up, and they are better after their treatment," says Dr Nguyen.

"The most rewarding scenario is when a child with sleep apnoea returns and their parents report that after airway clearing surgery with an adenotonsillectomy, they are a different child."

Dr Shruti Jayachandra has been a doctor for 11 years, including six years of ENT training and one year of fellowship training.

"I wanted to help people with my work and was always fascinated by the workings of the human body," says Dr Jayachandra.

"Helping people to return to good health is such a rewarding experience."

"My specific area of interest is facial nerve palsy from various causes such as Bell's palsy, traumatic injury and post-cancer surgery.

"Patients with facial nerve injuries are often left with an asymmetric disfigurement of the face as well as functional problems with eye closure, speech, and even producing a normal smile."

Dr Indu Gunawardena and Dr Jacques de Haan consult and operate out of Mayo Private.

Dr Jacques de Haan has been practicing for 40 years, and he says ENT was the area of medicine that inspired him the most.

"It is a field in which one can greatly improve quality of life of many," he says.

In addition to being an ENT specialist, Dr Indu Gunawardena also performs allergy testing and provides treatment for those conditions as well as offering audiology services including hearing testing and in office endoscopy.

The other new development at the hospitals is the introduction of self pay surgery

Self Pay Surgery is an alternative way of getting the treatment you need in a private hospital, by paying for yourself. You might want to choose this option if you want to be seen sooner and you don't have private health insurance.

The is aim to make high-quality hospital care as accessible and flexible as possible, to help you get back on your feet sooner.

If this would help you, all you need do is ask your GP for a referral to any of their ENT surgeons.


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