
Showing posts from May, 2023

2022 Western Medical Research Conference

subclavian artery steal syndrome :: Article Creator PLAIN RADIOGRAPHIC DIAGNOSIS OF CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE PLAIN RADIOGRAPHIC DIAGNOSIS OF CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE PLAIN RADIOGRAPHIC DIAGNOSIS OF CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE ContentsPrevious ConditionNext Condition 5c-1. Right aortic arch with anomalous left subclavian artery and left ductus. (Legend.) A. PA chest radiograph demonstrates a right sided aortic arch. B. Left posterior oblique film demonstrates posterior indentation in the esophagram confirming the presence of a vascular ring. This infant had a right aortic arch with anomalous left subclavian arising from the descending aorta. Right aortic arch with anomalous left subclavian artery and left ductus. In some cases the left subclavian artery may arise from a retro-esophageal diverticulum (known as a Kommerell's diverticulum) from the aorta. The ductus arises from the left side in the majority of cases, originating from t

Robert Zakar gives back to community

nitroglycerin dilates coronary arteries :: Article Creator Nitroglycerin Latest Medication Shortage © CBC Fast-acting sprays are particularly difficult to access. Nitroglycerin, which is used to treat heart pain, has been difficult to come by recently, joining a long list of drugs that have faced shortfalls in the last few years. "It is frustrating because this isn't the only medication that is shorted," said Sheri Koshman, a cardiac pharmacist and professor in the cardiology division at the University of Alberta. "There's all kinds of medication that is shorted all the time, and it's always this circle that goes round and round and round." In recent months shortages of painkillers and antibiotics have also been reported. Nitroglycerin can be used for long-term control and quick relief of heart pain, and it is the latter type where there is a shortage. Nitroglycerin dilates arteries and veins, so someone with

2022 Western Medical Research Conference

mi attack :: Article Creator Judge Orders Psych Evaluation For Woman Charged In Michigan Synagogue Attack freep.Com cannot provide a good user experience to your browser. To use this site and continue to benefit from our journalism and site features, please upgrade to the latest version of Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari. Chrome: https://www.Google.Com/chrome/ Edge: https://www.Microsoft.Com/edge/ Firefox: https://www.Firefox.Com/ Safari: Update to latest version through the App Store Man Arrested After Police Find Victim 'severely Beaten' In Northern Michigan Otsego County sheriff's deputies responded to a 4:40 a.M. Report of an assault complaint on Saturday, May 27, at the Otsego Memorial Hospital. (MLive File Photo) If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. Allowing Immigrants In Michigan Illegally To Get Driver's Licenses Stirs Debate On

2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA Guideline for the Management of Heart ...

cftr gene cystic fibrosis :: Article Creator Conquering Chronic Lung Infection In Cystic Fibrosis Patients Cystic fibrosis (CF) is one of the most common genetic disorders in the world. The disease infects nearly 70,000 people worldwide and approximately one in 30 Americans is a carrier. CF is caused by mutations in the human cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) gene, and more than 2,000 mutations have been characterized in people with CF (PwCF). CFTR mutations cause physiologic changes that result in chronic lung infections, the major culprit of which is an unusual phenotype of Pseudomonas aeruginosa called "mucoid." For decades, chronic lung infection has been responsible either directly or indirectly for 70% of pre-mature deaths in PwCF. However, the seminal discovery of the CFTR gene in 1989 led to the development of small molecules that can modulate the activity of CFTR. The 2019 approval of the small molecule-based me

2022 Southern Medical Research Conference

occlusive vascular disease :: Article Creator Study Identifies A New Potential Target For Treating Vascular Disease Vascular diseases, including myocardial infarction, stroke, renal failure, and peripheral vascular disease, continue to account for one third of all mortality in the United States, Europe, and the developing world (World Health Organization, 2021). Vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) activation plays a crucial role in the development of multiple vascular diseases. In a novel study in The American Journal of Pathology, researchers found that when fragile-X related protein-1 (FXR1) is absent, VSMC proliferate more slowly, become senescent, and scar tissue (neointima) development is reduced. Therefore, drugs targeting FXR1 may treat vascular proliferative diseases. "Our lab previously reported that expression of FXR1, a muscle-enhanced RNA binding protein that appears to decrease inflammatory transcripts, is increased in injur

Robert Zakar gives back to community

effects of heart attack :: Article Creator When Is It Safe To Have Sex After A Heart Attack? Those who have experienced a heart attack may be able to engage in sexual activity safely once they can walk briskly or climb stairs without experiencing certain symptoms. Recovery from a heart attack may be different for everyone, and people can discuss with a doctor when it is safe for them to have sex again. This article looks at potential recovery times, tips for physical intimacy related to mental and emotional health, and any medical considerations. The American Heart Association states that most people can resume their usual pattern of sexual activity within a few weeks after a heart attack. Having a heart attack during sexual activity is rare. However, to reduce the risk of cardiac-related complications, it is best to take part in regular physical exercise or cardiac rehabilitation. Sex has the same effects on the body as othe

When antivax “died suddenly” conspiracy mongering vultures target ...

acid reflux heart attack :: Article Creator Am I Having Heartburn Or A Heart Attack? Heart attacks and heartburn both cause chest pain. If you or someone near you is experiencing chest pain — especially if it comes on suddenly and is accompanied by nausea or pain in your shoulders — call 911 as soon as possible. Heart attack and heartburn are two different conditions that can have a similar symptom: chest pain. And while some movie depictions of heart attacks make them seem like big, chest-clutching displays, that's not always the case. This article explores some ways to tell the difference between heartburn and heart attack. However, if you're ever unsure about what you may be experiencing, it's always better to be safe than sorry. If your chest pain is making you nervous, head to the nearest emergency room. To understand how these two conditions can cause chest pain, consider the causes behind the two. Heart attac