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Aortic Aneurysm Is Often Mistaken For A Heart Attack; Here's Why

VerifiedVERIFIED The heart is the hardest working muscle in the body. A simple 2D echocardiogram, an ultrasound examination of the heart, can detect most aortic aneurysms and aortic valve diseases.

The aorta is the main blood vessel in the body that arises from the heart and carries oxygenated blood to the whole body, including the brain, limbs and abdominal organs. Diseases of the aorta are lesser known to the general population than myocardial infarctions(MI) or heart attacks. Heart attacks or MIs occur due to interruption or narrowing of the arteries. Narrowing or blockages in the arteries occur due to cholesterol plaques. As per Dr Niranjan Hiremath, a cardiovascular and aortic surgeon at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi,symptoms include:

  • Squeezing type or stabbing type of pain).
  • Left arm pain.
  • Shoulder pain.
  • Jaw pain.
  • Sweating and dizziness, and in some cases.
  • Abdominal pain and vomiting.
  • Aortic Aneurysm Vs Chest Pain

    Aortic diseases range from aortic aneurysms, balloon-like dilatation of the aorta, to a tear in the aortic wall called aortic dissection. An aortic aneurysm is not symptomatic in about 75% of cases. However, when the aortic aneurysm grows and is stretched, the person can experience chest pain. The chest pain could radiate to the back but usually is not associated with sweating. The pain could also occur in intervals rather than continuously. Suppose a person experiences sudden onset of chest pain and rapidly progresses to the back, abdomen and limbs. In that case, there is a high probability of acute aortic dissection. In an aortic dissection, the wall of the aorta tears, and the blood flows in a "false" channel that doesn't adequately reach vital organs. This can lead to severe life-threatening complications such as stroke, loss of consciousness, weakness or paralysis of hands or legs and severe abdominal pain.

    Symptoms Of Aortic Aneurysm

    In all cases of chest pain and other symptoms, reaching your nearest medical centre as soon as possible is vital. Timing is the key. A doctor is the best person to decide whether the chest pain is cardiac. Awareness of all the symptoms can save your life, and timely treatment can prevent catastrophic, life-threatening events.

    Complications Of Aortic Aneurysm

    Fortunately, aortic diseases and complications can be prevented to a large extent. If you have a history of hypertension, smoking, or diabetes and are aged more than 35 years, then you should undergo a cardiac medical screening every two years. If you do not have any risk factors, a cardiac medical screening once every five years is ideal. A simple 2D echocardiogram, an ultrasound examination of the heart, can detect most aortic aneurysms and aortic valve diseases.


    Although heart attack is a generalised term for any chest pain, awareness of aortic diseases like aortic aneurysms and aortic dissections is even more crucial since these diseases are as dangerous as an MI. As the saying goes- "A stitch(intervention) in time saves nine(life)".

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    What Is Aortic Aneurysm? A Silent Cardiovascular Threat Often Mistaken For A Heart Attack

    What Is Aortic Aneurysm? A Silent Cardiovascular Threat Often Mistaken For A Heart Attack

    Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

    When it comes to cardiovascular health, not all conditions are as instantly recognisable as the dreadful heart attack. There are certain diseases like aortic aneurysm which manifest silently, an often ignored yet potent threat to our heart's main channel, which is called aorta.

    The life-bearing aorta and its vulnerabilities 

    A marvel of human anatomy, the aorta is not just a vessel; it's a lifeline, transferring oxygen-rich blood from the heart to crucial organs—brain, kidneys, limbs, and more. With such a pivotal role, it's no surprise that any disruption or weakness can trigger catastrophic outcomes.

    Yet, it's the quiet nature of the aortic aneurysm, a ballooning of the aortic wall, that makes it so insidious. While there are a number of causes, including inherent tissue weaknesses, infections, or the relentless pressure from blood flow, especially above a narrowed aortic valve, can give birth to this condition, its silent evolution remains a primary concern.

    Dr. Niranjan Hiremath, cardiovascular and aortic surgeon at Apollo Indraprastha, sheds light on the matter, saying, "Despite its prevalence, an aortic aneurysm is often a silent spectator. Nearly 70-75% of those affected exhibit no outward symptoms."

    Symptoms And Diagnosis

    An aortic aneurysm under 4 centimetres in diameter might lie dormant without raising any flags. Yet, once it surpasses this limit, the scenario alters dramatically. Manifestations can range from chest pain, which might also make its presence felt in the back.

    "Remarkably, routine health checks are where most aortic aneurysms get unveiled," states Dr. Hiremath. In an Indian context, a measurement exceeding 4.5 centimetres typically demands medical attention. And while aortic aneurysms can appear anywhere along the vessel, those occurring in the stomach bear the specific title of abdominal aortic aneurysms.

    What Exactly Is The Risk Factor Of Aneurysm 

    Identifying those at risk is paramount. While the roster includes smoking, family history, chest trauma, and particular genetic conditions, chronic hypertension stands out as an ominous contender in this line-up.

    Also read: Changes To Bring Into Your Life After Surviving A Heart Attack

    "Given the silent onset of aortic aneurysms, early detection through screening, especially for those at risk, isn't just advisable—it's vital," emphasises Dr. Hiremath.

     The treatment matrix: Intervening the aortic crisis

    Upon diagnosis, treatment paths vary. Addressing an aortic aneurysm isn't a straightforward affair but demands a tailored approach. The problem is fundamentally mechanical, centred on the aorta's diameter. Solutions range from surgical interventions, like aorta replacements, to non-surgical ones like stent placements, effectively sidelining the aneurysm.

    If left unattended, these aneurysms can be ticking time bombs. Their unrelenting growth trajectory can culminate in either rupture or a more terrifying scenario: aortic dissection. The latter sees the aorta's wall tear, a situation as alarming as it sounds. Both are not just serious but lethal, jeopardising blood flow and escalating the risks of strokes, multi-organ damage, and in numerous cases, sudden death.

    A proactive stance: Prevention over cure

    When combatting aortic aneurysm, the mantra is unequivocal: prevention is the best cure. For those aged 35-40 and above, regular screenings, often facilitated through simple ultrasounds or echocardiograms, can detect most aneurysms. This is especially poignant given the condition's silent nature. 

    Also read: Can Your Acidity Be A Sign Of Heart Attack? A Doctor Answers

    Dubbed the 'silent assassin,' the aortic aneurysm's clandestine existence accentuates the need for early detection. "It's crucial for our nation to come to terms with the silent, yet prevalent nature of aortic ailments," Dr. Hiremath asserts. "They rank second only to coronary artery and valve diseases in commonality."

    "I Thought It Was A Heart Attack." Judas Priest's Richie Faulkner Remembers 2021 Emergency Heart Surgery

    Richie Faulkner of Judas Priest performing live in 2023.

    Richie Faulkner has reflected on the emergency heart surgery he underwent in September 2021.

    The Judas Priest guitarist, 43, was performing onstage at the Louder Than Life festival when he suffered an acute aortic aneurysm. He immediately went to the UofL Health – Jewish Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky, for a 10-hour procedure.

    "I was halfway through the last song of the set [Painkiller], which fortunately was the last song of the set," the guitarist remembers in a new video uploaded by UofL Health (transcribed by Blabbermouth).

    "There was like an exploding in the chest area. And as the song went on, I started to feel a bit lightheaded. And I thought it was a heart attack. Anything around that kind of area, I'm thinking, 'Well, what else could it be?'

    "And at the end of the song, I pick the guitar up with one hand, and I lift it up in the air. And this time I took the guitar off and I tried to lift it and I just couldn't. And they took me, obviously, to the hospital, which was fortunately three or four minutes away."

    Faulkner also thanked the team of surgeons who operated on him, who were led by Dr Siddharth Pahwa and included Dr Brian Ganzel and Dr Mark Slaughter.

    "They saved my life. They made it possible for me to come home and hold my daughter again and cut the lawn and play guitar and do all the normal things that I can do. So I'm forever grateful to them."

    The guitarist previously thanked the doctors in November 2021, in an Instagram post about his recovery.

    "I'll be back on stage in no time!" he wrote. "My surgeons are very pleased with my progress and have all reserved front row tickets for the next Priest show."

    Faulkner spent 10 days in hospital from September to October 2021, before returning home to continue his recovery. He resumed touring with Judas Priest in March 2022.

    Judas Priest will release their 19th studio album, Invincible Shield, on March 4 via Sony Music. They announced the album directly before their set at the 2023 Power Trip festival, where they replaced Ozzy Osbourne.

    The band will support Invincible Shield with a European tour that begins in Glasgow, Scotland, on March 11 and concludes in Paris, France, on April 8.

    Invincible Shield will be Faulkner's third album with Judas Priest, following 2014's Redeemer Of Souls and 2018's Firepower.

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